Fun-Fact Flyer

What’s inside my box? Week of June 10th

Strawberries from Flyte’s or Turners
Organic Rhubarb from Pleasant Valley
Herb Plants
Granola from Hudson/Henry
Butterhead Lettuce from Red Door
Grilling Mix from Olden’s
Cornmeal from Doudlah’s
Mixed Yogurt from Eco
Milk 1% from Eco


Did you know Strawberries are the only fruit with seeds on the outside?


• Keep refrigerated and stored in a sealed container away from excess moisture.

• Always wash items with salt/vinegar/warm water before consuming.

• Compost after 7 days, or if mold is beginning to grow. Avoid consuming products that have odd smells, slime, textures, etc. or if they feel soft and dehydrated


Turners Fresh Market

The Turner family has been operating Turners Fresh Market since 1963. The lineage of farmers goes back to the 1840s in the Turner family. Ross and Deb Turner began by growing a wide variety of vegetables and marketed them directly (sometimes campsite to campsite) in the Waupaca Chain-of-Lakes region.The Turners grow predominantly sweet corn but they also have a very diversified offering including squash, pumpkins, tomatoes, peppers, greenhouse plants and transplants and much more. They have a large on-farm sales area where you can get all their products. ” The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of mass produced crops perse, but growing crops that are of value to your community you live in.”- Tara Turner

Strawberry Yogurt


• Yogurt (of your choice)
• Strawberries
• Granola (optional)


1 – Add your Strawberries (cut up) into the Yogurt
2 – Stir, and top with Granola (optional)
3 – Enjoy!