Fun-Fact Flyer
What’s inside my box? Week of June 3rd
Sliced Apples from Sunset Orchards
Cranberry Applesauce from Fed Up Foods
Blue Potatoes from Driftless Organics
Citrus Splash from Superior Fresh
Heritage Cheese Sticks from Red Barn
Zucchini Noodles from Olden Organics
Cottage Cheese from ECO
Eggs from Happy Harvest
Yam Sticks from Olden’s
Did you know Apples come in more than 7500 varieties?

• Keep refrigerated and stored in a sealed container away from excess moisture.
• Always wash items with salt/vinegar/warm water before consuming.
• Compost after 7 days, or if mold is beginning to grow. Avoid consuming products that have odd smells, slime, textures, etc. they feel soft and dehydrated
Driftless Organics
Growing up working their parents’ organic dairy farm, Josh and Noah Engel have farming in their blood. At the ages of nine and eleven, they decided to grow some potatoes in their parents’ backyard. It didn’t take long for them to realize, as they pulled great bushel loads of spuds from the earth, that their passion and talents lie in growing organic vegetables. As they themselves grew, so did their ambition and the number of crops they raised and sold. What began as a quarter acre field of potatoes has now expanded to over one hundred acres of vegetables, fruits, small grains and sunflowers; all grown in the driftless region of local Southwest Wisconsin
Blue Mashed Potatoes
• 2 lbs blue potatoes washed
• 1/2 cup milk
• 4 tablespoons butter
• Salt + Pepper to taste
1.Boil whole blue potatoes in a large saucepan with abundant salted water until they become fork tender”
2. In a smaller saucepan, heat the milk and butter together (you may also use the microwave)”
3. When potatoes are tender, drain and return to the pot
4. Using a masher or ricer, mash the potatoes
5. Add the hot milk and butter and mix until creamy. Test for seasoning and add more salt if needed. If the puree is too stiff, add
some more milk and butter.
6. Enjoy!